Explore - Arts, Humanities, and Culture (AHC)
Explore - AHC Approved Courses
The page below lists Explore: Arts, Humanities, and Cultures courses by the college offering the course.
Explore courses must be taken outside of a student's major.
Approved Courses for Each College
- INOV 1010 - The Innovation Process
- INOV 1011 - Social Innovation
- None
- COUN 3100 - Career Plan & Employ Services
- EDUC 2200 - Children's Literature
- None
- AH 1000 - Art Through the Ages
- AH 1001 - Global Visual Culture: 1300 to the Present
- AH 1500 - Introduction to Visual Culture
- AH 2860 - Survey: Modern Art
- ANTH 3460 - Christianity and Freedom
- CHIN 1010 - Beginning Chinese I
- CHIN 1020 - Beginning Mandarin Chinese II
- DNCE 1000 - Dance Appreciation: From Ballet to Beyoncé
- DNCE 2700 - Fundamentals of Dance Technique
- DNCE 2720 - Modern Dance I
- DNCE 2740 - Ballet I
- ENGL 1500 - Introduction to Literature for Non-Majors
- ENGL 1700 - Special Topics in Literary Explorations:
- ENGL 2600 - Literature: The Global Perspective I
- ENGL 2610 - Literature: The Global Perspective II
- ENGL 2820 - Introduction to Rhetoric and Writing Studies
- ENGL 2911 - Fairy Tales: Literature, Film, Theory
- ENGL 2920 - Exploring English Studies: Sustainability
- ENGL 2930 - Exploring English Studies: Inclusiveness
- ENGL 2970 - Shakespearean Beginnings
- ENGL 3300 - Cultural Rhetorics of the Contemporary North American Family
- ENGL 3320 - US Writing in the World
- ENGL 3400 - Cultural Rhetorics of Contemporary South Africa
- ENGL 3910 - Topics in Literature
- ENGL 3911 - Fairy Tales: Literature, Film, Theory
- FCS 3180 - German and Austrian Civilization and Culture
- FCS 3190 - 20th and 21st Century German and Austrian Civilization and Culture
- FCS 3240 - French Culture from 1700-1917
- FCS 3690 - Topics in Hispanic Film
- FILM 3690 - Topics in Hispanic Film
- FR 1010 - Beginning French I
- FR 3240 - French Culture from 1700-1917
- GER 1010 - Beginning German I
- GER 1020 - Beginning German II
- GER 3180 - German/Austrian Civilization and Culture from 1700-1918
- GER 3190 - 20th and 21st Century German and Austrian Civilization and Culture
- HIST 1010 - The Ancient World
- HIST 1020 - Medieval World
- HIST 1040 - Europe Since 1800: Struggles and Transformations
- HIST 1120 - Asian History: The Indian Subcontinent
- HIST 1130 - Asian History: China
- HIST 1140 - Asian History: Japan
- HIST 1400 - Latin America to 1810
- HIST 1410 - Latin America Since 1810
- HIST 1510 - U.S.: Birth of a Nation, 1607-1789
- HIST 1520 - U.S.: Expansion and Division, 1789-1877
- HIST 1530 - U.S.: Emergence of Modern America, 1865-1920
- HIST 1540 - U.S.: Recent America, 1918-Present
- HIST 1600 - Making of the Modern Middle East I
- HIST 1610 - Making of the Modern Middle East II
- HIST 3960 - Nazis and Jews in European Film
- INDS 2000 - Mathematics: A Human Endeavor
- JPNS 1010 - Beginning Japanese I
- JPNS 1020 - Beginning Japanese II
- KREN 1010 - Beginning Korean I
- KREN 1020 - Beginning Korean II
- KREN 2110 - Intermediate Korean I
- KREN 2120 - Intermediate Korean II
- MSGP 4100 - Native American Perspectives on Museums
- MUS 1000 - Introduction to Music
- MUS 1005 - Fundamentals of Music Theory and Composition
- MUS 2050 - Jazz History
- MUS 2100 - History of Rock and Roll
- MUS 2150 - Electronic and Computer Music I
- MUS 2200 - Balinese Gamelan Ensemble
- MUS 2210 - UCCS Wind Ensemble
- MUS 2250 - Jazz and Improvisation Ensemble
- MUS 2400 - Chamber Music Ensemble
- MUS 3150 - Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- PHIL 1000 - Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 1020 - Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL 1100 - Introduction to Religion
- PHIL 1120 - Critical Thinking
- PHIL 1300 - Introduction to Philosophies of Asia
- PHIL 3100 - World Religions
- PHIL 3150 - Virtue Ethics
- PHIL 3160 - Death and Dying
- PHIL 3180 - Practical Ethics
- PHIL 3240 - Political Violence: Peace, War and Terrorism
- PHIL 3350 - On the Nature of Things (Meta-Physics)
- PHIL 3490 - Philosophies of China
- PHIL 3500 - Buddhist Philosophy
- PHIL 3690 - Islamic Philosophy
- PHIL 4070 - Existentialism
- PHIL 4080 - Constructions of Truth
- SPAN 1010 - Beginning Spanish I
- SPAN 1020 - Beginning Spanish II
- SPAN 3690 - Hispanic Culture Through Film
- THTR 1000 - Introduction to Theatre
- THTR 2020 - Acting Workshop I
- VA 1010 - 2-D Foundations
- VA 1020 - 3-D Foundations
- VA 1040 - Drawing Foundations
- VAPA 1005 - VAPA Foundations: Sound, Listening, and Imagination
- VAPA 1050 - Visual and Performing Arts Foundation
- VAPA 1200 - All Arts Excursions
- VAPA 1300 - American Identity on Stage and Screen
- WEST 2070 - Foundations in Native American Studies
- WEST 3100 - Women of Color: Image and Voice
- WEST 3380 - Caribbean Literature, History, and Theory
- WEST 3550 - Native American Literature
- WEST 4280 - Native American Philosophical Thought
- None
- None