Summit Experience Approved Courses
Approved Courses for Each College and Degree
- INOV 4500 - Innovation Capstone
- STRT 4500 - Strategic Management
- COUN 4950 - Fieldwork in Human Services II
- COUN 4955 - Fieldwork in Human Services II
- EDUC 4950 - Secondary - Student Teaching
- IECE 4050 - Inclusive Early Childhood Seminar
- IECE 4800 - Inclusive Early Childhood Student Teaching
- IELM 4950 - Student Teaching - Elementary
- IELM 4955 - Residency Student Teaching - Elementary
- LEAD 4010 - Internship in Leadership in Higher Education
- UTED 4730 - Apprentice Teaching UCCS Teach and Seminar
- CS 4100 - Compiler Design I
- CS 4300 - Advanced Software Engineering
- ECE 4890 - Senior Seminar (EE)
- ECE 4891 - Senior Seminar (CpE)
- ECE 4898 - Senior Design Project (EE)
- ECE 4899 - Senior Design Project (CpE)
- MAE 4511 - Engineering Design II
- AH 4980 - Senior Capstone in Art History
- ANTH 4980 - Senior Seminar in Anthropology
- ANTH 4990 - Honors Thesis
- BIOL 3750 - Conservation Biology
- BIOL 4010 - Seminar in Biology
- BIOL 4670 - Applied Molecular Genetics
- BIOL 9499 - Undergraduate Research - Independent Study
- CHEM 4911 - Chemistry Capstone
- CHEM 4921 - Biochemistry Capstone
- COMM 4000 - Rhetorical Dimensions in Communication
- COMM 4170 - Documentary Film and Video
- COMM 4200 - Persuasion
- COMM 4201 - Persuasion (Online)
- COMM 4240 - Advanced Organizational and Strategic Communication
- COMM 4350 - Critical Analysis of Popular Culture
- COMM 4550 - Professional Communication Capstone
- COMM 4740 - Entertainment Theory and Research
- COMM 4800 - Sports Campaigns
- ECON 4990 - Senior Seminar
- ENGL 4300 - Studies in American Literature and Culture
- ENGL 4310 - Harlem Renaissance
- ENGL 4400 - Genre Studies
- ENGL 4410 - Topics in Contemporary Poetry Studies
- ENGL 4500 - Studies in Medieval Literature
- ENGL 4700 - Seminar in Critical Theory
- ENGL 4860 - Special Topics in Rhetoric and Writing
- ENGL 4870 - Rhetoric of Social Media
- ENGL 4880 - Topics in Public Rhetorics
- ENGL 4890 - Antidiscrimination Rhetorics
- ENGL 4950 - Seminar in Literary Topics
- ENGL 4970 - Seminar in Shakespeare Studies
- ENGL 4980 - Seminar in Major Authors
- FILM 4980 - Film Capstone: Film Studies Practice
- GEOL 4660 - Field Study in Geology
- GES 4460 - Field Studies in Geography
- GES 4660 - Urban Ecology
- GES 4900 - Geography Summit
- GES 4970 - Honors in Geography
- GES 4990 - Senior Thesis
- HIST 4990 - Senior Thesis Seminar: Approaches to the Study of History
- INDS 4660 - Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
- INOV 4500 - Innovation Capstone
- MATH 4040 - Senior Math Seminar
- MUS 4980 - Music Capstone: Senior Thesis
- PES 4810 - Senior Physics Seminar
- PHIL 4950 - Senior Thesis
- PSC 4025 - Congressional Processes
- PSC 4080 - U.S. Electoral Process
- PSC 4210 - International Politics
- PSC 4250 - International Law
- PSC 4470 - Constitutional Law
- PSY 3000 - Honors Seminar I
- PSY 3660 - Service-Learning Internship
- PSY 4000 - Honors Seminar II
- PSY 4060 - Seminar in Health Psychology
- PSY 4130 - Seminar in Learning and Cognition
- PSY 4270 - Seminar in Biopsychology
- PSY 4280 - Seminar in Abnormal Psychology
- PSY 4400 - Seminar in Social Psychology
- PSY 4430 - Seminar in Social Issues
- PSY 4510 - Seminar in History of Psychology.
- PSY 4620 - Seminar in Developmental Psychology
- SOC 4785 - Sociology Capstone Course
- SOC 4990 - The Sociology Capstone
- SPAN 4970 - Senior Seminar: Spanish
- THTR 4393 - Theatre Practicum: Capstone
- VA 4980 - Professional Seminar
- WEST 4040 - Gender and Sexuality
- WEST 4995 - Women's and Ethnic Studies Capstone Course
- HPNU 4900 - Senior Seminar
- HPNU 4950 - Exercise Prescription
- HSCI 4620 - Internship in Health Sciences
- HSCI 4950 - Exercise Testing and Prescription
- NURS 4400 - Public Health Nursing: Population Focused Care
- CJRU 4121 - Ethics in Criminal Justice
- SOWK 4112 - Field Practice in Social Work II