Co-Curricular Events
Compass co-curricular events take place outside of the classroom and help students transfer their knowledge into new contexts and settings. Engagement beyond the classroom makes learning meaningful[1], boosts students' positive experience of their university education, and increases retention[2].
In supporting these co-curricular events, our goal is to engage the students in events on campus that relate to the Compass Curriculum goals to help students learn more about:
- Responsibility and ethics
- Civic engagement
- Sustainability
- Inclusiveness
- Writing
- Communication
- Navigate (Apply and integrate knowledge from a range of disciplines, including interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary research)
We hope that faculty will consider attaching extra credit to these events. For example, faculty might award course points for student attendance at events relevant to course content. Upon request of the faculty, the Office of Student Activities will prepare a list of students who attend the event for faculty to review and award credit.
The Compass Curriculum may sponsor, co-sponsor, or affiliate with these events, offering levels of financial and promotional support. Examples of events include campus speakers of student interest, speakers in your departments of wide interest, or other events related to the Compass Curriculum. In Spring 2015 the Compass Curriculum is supporting speakers for the campus-wide Sustainnovation event as well as some departmental speakers that directly link with Sustainability and Inclusiveness. Supported talks have wide student interest as well as academic content.
[1] Kuh, George D., Jillian Kinzie, John H. Schuh, and Elizabeth J. Whitt. Student success in college: Creating conditions that matter. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
[2] Kuh, George D. "The national survey of student engagement: Conceptual and empirical foundations." New Directions for Institutional Research 2009, no. 141 (2009): 5-20.
Fully fund the event. The Compass Curriculum will work with the Office of Student Activities to announce the event to the students and faculty on campus.
Partially fund the event along with another group. The Compass Curriculum will work with the Office of Student Activities to announce the event to the students and faculty on campus.
Not fund the event, but help announce it. The Compass Curriculum will work with the Office of Student Activities to announce the event to the students and faculty on campus.
To have your event reviewed submit the Funding or Affiliation Request form below to David Moon, cmoon@uccs.edu at least eight weeks prior to the planned/proposed event.