Compass Curriculum Submission
Compass Application Form
Timeline for Compass Applications
Using this form, faculty may apply to have Compass flags added, renewed, or removed from courses by clicking on the link above. After submission, applications must be reviewed and approved by the chair of the department offering the course (this process is automated through the application system). Once applications have been approved by the department chair, they will be routed to the Compass Leadership Team for review.
Recommended deadline is February 1st for the next academic year. Compass flags approved for addition to courses at the February 5th meeting will be listed in the degree audits, online Academic Catalog, CU-SIS course catalog, and Compass website before fall registration begins.
Additions after this date will not appear in the next academic year’s online Academic Catalog, but will be added to the degree audits, CU-SIS course catalog, and Compass website as they are approved throughout the year.
Final deadlines after February 1st
- For courses being offered the following summer and fall semesters: March 1st
- For courses being offered the following spring semester: October 1st
These ensure that the flags will be visible to students and advisors in the audits and course search before registration for those semesters begins.
Recommended deadline is February 1st for the next academic year to ensure that all materials listed above reflect the change, and to ensure students and departments have ample time to make adjustments.
Applications after this date will go into effect for the following academic year. For example, an application for a removal that is processed in September 2025 will not go into effect until fall 2026.
Applications to renew a course can be submitted any time before they are due and are usually reviewed within one month of submission.
- The recommended deadline for adding a course for the next academic year is February 1st
- For instance, if you wanted to add a course to begin in Fall 2025 or Spring of 2026, you should submit the application by February 1st, 2025. Submitting by this deadline benefits students and departments by ensuring accurate information in the UCCS catalog and Compass website.
- We do accept courses after the February 1st deadline, and we can award credit to students taking the courses for these applications. However, for submissions after February 1st, we cannot ensure the course will be accurately updated in the catalog or website.
- The final deadline for submitting a new course for Spring semester is October 1st of the previous Fall semester.
- The final deadline for submitting a new course for Fall semester is March 1st of the previous Spring semester.
- Applications to remove a Compass flag or remove a course from the Compass Curriculum can be submitted at any time and are usually processed within one month. However, the flag will not be removed officially until the following academic year to ensure students and departments have ample time to make adjustments.
- Applications to renew a course can be submitted any time before they are due and are usually reviewed within one month of submission.
On-Base Form Information - Please Review
Compass uses UCCS's campus-wide system for generating and tracking forms, On-Base
- You must submit the first version of the form in one setting. You cannot save partial work in On-Base and return later. We recommend preparing your answers in advance based on the list of questions below.
- The On-Base system does NOT autosave. You must click submit any time you wish to save work.
- Once submitted, forms submitted by faculty cannot be edited until they are reviewed by a Department Chair.
- If you run into any issues with On-Base, please contact Phillip Haisley, phasiely@uccs.edu.
To Do Before Submitting
To prepare for your submission, you can review the following resources.
1. Read the Curriculum Description for each designation you will apply for.
2. Read the list of questions for each Compass desigation and prepare your answers.
3. Discuss the application with your Department Chair and collect their name and email address so they can approve the course.
4. Prepare a sample syllabus for the course which meets the designation requirements.
- Be sure to include the Compass Syllabus Descriptions and Learning Objectives in the Sample Syllabus
- Be sure your syllabus aligns with your answers to the question and demonstrates when and how the learning objectives will be met. If your syllabus does not contain a course schedule, please submit a sample course schedule as a supplemental document.
- Please ensure your syllabus aligns with the Provost's guidelines on minimum required elements on a syllabus:
- Contact Info and Office Hours
- Expectations for Assignments
- Materials Needed for the Course
- Course Policies and Expectations
Information about Renewal Applications
In fall of 2021, the Compass Curriculum transitioned our application system to a new software (from Cherwell into OnBase). Many courses scheduled for renewal have existing files in Cherwell with data and language that may be helpful as you apply to renew your course with Compass. If you would like to be emailed a copy of your previous application for a course, please reach out directly to Phillip Haisley - pheasley@uccs.edu
If you have any questions about submitting a course for Compass approval, please contact Phillip Haisley - phaisley@uccs.edu
Special Information for Cross-Listed Courses
To aid in record keeping for the campus registrar, each version of a cross-listed courses must be submitted using a separate application form. For example, if a course is cross-listed as both SOC 2020 and WEST 2020, a separate form must be created for each course. The content of the forms may be identical. If a cross-listed course is submitted, each version must be approved by the respective Department Chair. For example the Department Chair or WEST must approve the WEST course and the Department Chair of SOC must approve the SOC course.