Compass Curriculum Committees and Membership
The Compass Curriculum has a standing Curriculum Committee which meets once a month to review courses submitted by faculty to be added to the Compass Curriculum. Additionally, the "Compass Leadership Team" meets once a month and is comprised of the Compass Director, the chairs of each Compass area as well as representatives from the Office of the Provost, Academic Advising, Degree Audit, and the T. Rowe Price UCCS Career and Innovation Center.
The Curriculum Committee of the Compass Curriculum is comprised of Compass Officers (Director and Chairs), as well as a faculty member from each college (LAS, SPA, Beth-El, Business, Engineering, Education, Library). An additional LAS faculty member may be from the Communication Center/Communication Department to evaluate the communication component of the Summit courses. In some cases Compass officers also serve as representatives from their colleges. Ex-officio (non-voting) members include a representative from Degree Audit and Transfer Credit, and the administrative assistant. The representative from the office of Degree Audit and Transfer Credit helps the committee to consider prerequisites for courses and where they might fit into the sequence of a student’s major.
The Curriculum Committee of the Compass Curriculum reviews all courses submitted to the Compass Curriculum in the categories of GPS, Explore, Writing Intensive, Sustainability, Summit, Navigate, and Inclusiveness. The committee votes to determine whether the courses should be approved into the Compass Curriculum.
- Phillip K. Haisley, Interim Faculty Director of Compass Curriculum, English
- Niki Juhl, Inclusiveness Chair, Chemistry
- Eddie Portillos, Sustainability Chair, Sociology
- Laura Austin-Eurich, Summit Chair, Communication
- Kacey Ross, Writing Intensive Chair, English
- Jared Benson, Navigate Chair, History/Humanities
- Omar Montoya, Faculty Director of Gateway Program Seminar
- Monica Furey, Social Work, Representative of College of Public Service
- Katie Anderson-Pence, Education, Representative of College of Education
- Matthew Metzger, Business, Representative of the College of Business
- Hazel Reyes, Health Sciences, Representative of Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences